Space Invasion Mega Sale!

PUBLISHED March 19th, 2014 02:55 am | UPDATED May 9th, 2018 03:13 am
Happening this weekend on 22 and 23 March!
What does SIMS stand for? No.. Not the game! It stands for… ‘Space Invasion Mega Sale’! Yes, Space Invasion will be holding their first ever Mega Sale on the 22 and 23 March!
Blogshops attending:
Earl Grey Party, Ellysage, WeAreRubbish, Ashincans, Shop6by6, Vogue Avenue, TLX, The Grapfeeks Room, Shop Skinned, Statement Muse, Last Bus Ride, Kissablebella, WeLoveFleaMarkets
Bloggers attending:
Jamie Tan (@JamieTYJ), Amanda K (@Aasymmetry), Pita (@sxnoonlush), Mae Tan (@Marxmae), Erica (@tig3rlilyx), Valerie Wang (@Valerie_wang), Beixin (@Beixin), Brenda (@Brenwho), Grace Chew (@Chewyanyan)
They are selling their items at discounted prices – prices start as low as $5! The event will be happening from 1pm – 6pm on both days!
For full list of Space Invasion tenants and details: visit