The Colours of Tea with Pekoe & Imp

Tastings, reinvented.

The history of tea is a blend of myth, fact and coloured by ancient concepts of spirituality, and philosophy. While tracing tea’s original roots proves difficult, with hundreds of tea varieties today, discovering some of your favourites can take you on another journey where the complexities of flavour, aroma and colour seem endless.

Pekoe & Imp is born out of Hongyuan and Jaq’s mutual passion for unblended teas and a continuous push to learn about the different flavors and brewing methods out there. Assuming its current form of a pop-up that is not a cafe, Pekoe & Imp present to you carefully curated tasting sets to excite and tantalize tastebuds in the realm of tea in its purest form. No sugar or milk is recommended in the brews so that you could experience the full flavors of each tea.

Love unblended or single origin teas? Curious about how we interpret them in a contemporary context? Come chat with us at our workshop at Latent Spaces, and have a taste of what we present to you in one tasting set comprising six teas. We lovingly extract the best out of each type of tea just for you.

On Saturday Jun 7, 2014

Two sessions:

1pm – 2pm

3pm – 4pm

Purchase your tickets [here](

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Deputy Editor

Gary is one of those proverbial jack of all trades… you know the rest. When not writing about lifestyle and culture, he dabbles in photography, graphic design, plays four instruments and is a professional wearer of bowties. His greatest weakness: spending more money on clothes than he probably should. Find him across the social world as @grimlay