The U21 Slam – February: National Youth Poetry Slam League (Singapore)

PUBLISHED February 4th, 2014 09:50 am | UPDATED May 9th, 2018 03:13 am
Word Forward and The Writer’s Centre Singapore are pleased to announce the U21 Poetry Slam, a monthly poetry slam aimed at youth under the age of 21 years. This is the younger sibling of the established regular ‘adult’ poetry slam, which has been running in Singapore since 2003.
This time round, it’s February. Love is in the air, and so are pollen and the influenza virus; wear a mask, people. Do you have something to say about love? Do you hate love, and want to lodge a complaint with some government agency (you don’t know which one, though) about the frankly horrifying levels of invisible heart-shaped particles in the air around you? Do you not have anything to say about love but have too many things to say about too many other things? Then come down, and let everyone hear your words!
Poets should have three original poems prepared. Each poem should not exceed three minutes.
Prize: 1st prize: $50 book voucher
Judging for the slam will be the same as poetry slams all over the world, half for writing and half for performance, upon ten.
Sign up by sending a message to
Entry: $4 at the door, slammers get in free.