Untitled Women by The Necessary Stage

PUBLISHED January 2nd, 2015 04:03 pm | UPDATED May 9th, 2018 03:13 am
How do we exorcise the pain of loss? The Necessary Stage revisits two early works from its repertoire in the doublebill Untitled Women to explore the ways we deal with loss and how we rise above it. In Untitled Women number one, two women talk about their relationships, their past and future. Featuring Edith Podesta and Ethel Yap, the play looks at the notions of pain, death and interdependence, drawing from stories about gender, sexuality and womanhood.
Untitled cow number one is about the journey of a widowed cow through 12 days of mourning. Performed by Sharda Harrison and Bani Haykal, the play is influenced by Hindu and Buddhist texts, images and myths, and incorporates physical movement and soundscape. Both plays have toured successfully to the Macau International Fringe Festival (2000), the Asian Theatre Festival in Busan (2002) and the National Theatre Festival in New Delhi (2003).
Untitled Women is happening from Friday, 23 January to Sunday, 25 January at the Drama Centre Black Box.
For show timings and ticket details, please click [here](http://www.sistic.com.sg/events/m1sff2015i).