Cosmopolitan Bali

Head over to Cosmopolitan Bali for some cool, beachy vibes, lovely poolside seating (or you could head straight for the pool, if you’re craving a dip), and impeccably authentic Italian fare. While we have no qualm visiting Cosmopolitam Bali throughout the day, we have to say that having dinner (homemade pasta and burgers, anyone?) here is magical as you can watch the pool light up while the deep blue of the night sky begins to settle in above you.
Phone: +62 812-3826-8538
Opening hours: Daily 8am – 11pm

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When Joel’s not partaking in one of his shameless eating sessions, he likes to think of himself as a sponge – absorbing the mysteries and beauty of our world – be it through a good book or a wacky jaunt in a foreign country.