Ha Ji Won 1st Asia Tour in Singapore

PUBLISHED December 19th, 2014 06:40 pm | UPDATED May 9th, 2018 03:13 am
Korean actress 하지원 Ha Ji Won will be in Singapore for her 1st Asia Tour Fan Meeting! Organized by KMTV Asia and C Media, Ha Ji Won’s 1st Asia Tour in Singapore will be held on Saturday, 10 January at 7:30PM at the Singapore Conference Hall. All ticket holders will be given the chance to get up-close and personal with the actress at the Hi-Touch session during the Fan Meeting.
Tickets are sold at $168 (VIP), $138 (Category A) and $108 (Category B), and will be available from 13 December 2014 onwards via EventCliQue [here](https://www.eventclique.com/)