The Necessary Stage presents Ghost Writer

PUBLISHED March 12th, 2016 03:00 pm
9 – 20 MAR 2016 | Following Manifesto, The Necessary Stage is pulling out all the stops for Ghost Writer, featuring a limited run of 5 performances at the Esplanade Theatre Studio.
Can we give up our ambitions for someone else’s dreams? How can we imagine the future without leaving our roots behind? Ghost Writer is a story of characters desperate to forge a new life despite the haunting of their past. As The Necessary Stage approaches their 30th anniversary next year, they seek to create a bold new work that pushes beyond their 29 years of practice as on of Singapore’s forerunners in devised theatre.
Helmed by Cultural Medallion recipients Alvin Tan (Director) and Haresh Sharma (Playwright), Ghost Writer features a diverse mix of performers and creatives. The performance ensemble features veteran Malaysian actress Sukania Venugopal, Vasantham Star and Ravindran Drama Group’s Artistic Director Ebi Shankara, dance artists Jereh Leong and Ruby Jayaseelan, Pink Gajah Theatre’s Artistic Director Sharda Harrison and Indian classical vocalist Namita Mehta. The award-winning creative team include Brian Gothong Tan (Multimedia), Bani Haykal (Sound), Olé Khamchanla (Choreography/Performer), Wong Chee Wai (Set), Adrian Tan (Lighting) and Tube Gallery by Phisit & Saxit (Costume).
Ghost Writer is running from 9 to 20 March 2016 at Esplanade Theatre Studio. Tickets are priced at $35, $28 (students, senior citizens and NSFs) and are available via SISTIC.