PUBLISHED March 17th, 2015 07:13 am | UPDATED June 11th, 2020 12:17 pm
Dead Celebrities – Los Idols de la Muerte
Some of our favourite Kult artists are throwing together a sick collection of portraits and sculptures of some of the famous DEAD Celebrities who have been iconic in their lives, their muses, inspirational figures and of course a couple of Super Villains.
For the first time we will be having FOOOOOOOOD. We have some bad asses from the Taco Club who will be satisfying your appetites and making sure the booze is flowing all night.
Taco Club x DEAD CELEBRITIES is taking place on Thursday, 2 April from 7pm to 10.30pm at C2-5.
To view the Facebook Event Page, please click [here](https://www.facebook.com/events/1054935507856602/).