Writers, artists, musicians meet at Bar Luna

PUBLISHED July 6th, 2015 03:32 am | UPDATED March 27th, 2016 12:48 pm
Tuesday and Thursday nights.
Bar Luna Basement, a bohemian-style café on Jalan Raya Ubud (in Basement of [Casa Luna Restaurant](http://www.casalunabali.com/bar-luna/)), is the Balil hot spot for literary musings, tasty tapas, cocktails and the rest.
Fast becoming the Ubud version of Paris’ legendary Les Deux Magots, Bar Luna is the place to be seen, where minds, hearts and bellies of readers, writers, thinkers, hipsters and munchers are nourished. Bar Luna’s trained baristas will serve you the best coffee on the island, the beverage of great conversation.
Every Tuesday and Thursday night, Bar Luna hosts talented writers and artists alongside some of the island’s finest musicians, in what is Bali’s hippest literary salon and hot-bed of wild debates, readings, performance and meaningful conversation. From Booker-prize winners to celebrated poets, dynamic singers to guitar-strumming geniuses, it’s all happening at [Bar Luna]9https://www.facebook.com/CasaLunaGroup).
If you are a published author and would like to speak at Bar Luna, please contact us on: barluna@casalunabali.com. We would love to hear from you and will do our best to fit you into our schedule.
7 Jul 2015- Writers, artists, musicians meet at Bar Luna. More information, please check [here](http://www.casalunabali.com/bar-luna/).