SOUL SHOTS Vol.2 : Rare Soul / Liquid Funk / Deep Jazz

PUBLISHED July 9th, 2015 09:17 am | UPDATED March 27th, 2016 01:51 pm
Your soul is your essence and needs to be well fed to keep you vibrant & alive.
The greatest way to achieve this is by receiving continual doses of uplifting music to nurture, your soul.
The place to receive such nourishment is at Studio Lam where on Saturday 25th July your specialist providers on hand to hand out generous doses of rare soul, funk and deep jazz will be Mike ‘The Butcher’ Allin, Dangdut Banget & NK Chan
Come let the spirit of music move you and nourish your soul!
The event will take place on Saturday 25th July at Studio Lam Bangkok from 9pm onwards.
Admission is 200B.
For more information, please see [Facebook](